On 20 June 2019, at the CASABELLA Laboratory headquarters in Milan, FRATELLI DAMIAN was the protagonist, together with three other companies, of a meeting aimed at an audience of architects and designers. Here, it presented “Armonie delle Forme: la superficie metallica tra architettura e design” (Harmonies of the Forms: the metal surface between architecture and design), illustrating not only the company but also some of the works carried out in recent years.
The initiative is the last meeting of “OSPITE D’ONORE – Quando l’Architettura incontro l’Artigianato” (“GUEST OF HONOUR – When architecture meets craftsmanship”), a project that aims to put companies in contact with the world of architecture with the purpose of activating dialogues and new creative scenarios.
FRATELLI DAMIAN marked the occasion by exhibiting some elements of the METAL CHIC collection in the same space, already displayed at FUORISALONE 2019.
The project, conceived and implemented by FONDO PLASTICO, was promoted by Confartigianato AsoloMontebelluna, in collaboration with Confartigianato Marca Trevigiana and Casabella Formazione, and was co-financed by EBAV.
CASABELLA Laboratory is a space for events and meetings run by CASABELLA, a well-known architecture and design magazine.
Via Vigevano, 8 – Milan